Wednesday, 27 January 2016

A simple method for the simultaneous determination of guanine, xanthine and hypoxanthine by RP-HPLC with UV detection Natasha Majumder* , Chumki Chowdhury and Tapan Kumar Jana Department of Marine Science, Calcutta University, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkat a- 700 019, India, E-mail : Manuscript received online 14 August 2014, accepted 06 February 2015 , J. Indian Chem. Soc., Vol. 92, September 2015, pp. 1381-1385

Abstract : A si mple, rapid and acc urate me thod for the simultane ous dete rmi nation of guanine, xanthine and hypox anthine has bee n deve lope d. The quantitative de te rmination of these bases was accomplis he d by reve rs e phase hig h-perf ormance li quid c hromatography (RP -HPLC) with UV detecti on base d on their diffe re nt rete ntion ti me without c he mic al suppres sion. Separation in the orde r of guanine, hypoxanthine and x ant hi ne were obtained on ODS hype rsil c ol umn us ing mobile phase c ontai ning 1% ACN i n acetic acid (50 mM), ammonium acetate (85 mM) and 0.5% methanol at 0. 5 ml min– 1 flow rate. A portion of the natural DNA is ol ated from Avicennia marina was s pi ked wit h kno wn amo unt of hypox anthine and its conce ntration was found to be 1.4 µM. Keywords : Xanthi ne, hypoxanthine, retenti on f actor, RP -HP LC. J. Indian Chem. Soc., Vol. 92, September 2015, pp. 1387-1393